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What kind of story will I tell my kids

About the type of father I choose for them?
How happy will I tell them I was with him? 

Yes,I had choices to choose from

The first was the type that barely shows emotions
The second picks up argument with me and fights me every time
The third, I couldn't even trust at all because he had eyes on other women

And the fourth one loves only when its good and leaves when he finds something better
It was really hard to choose

But I Chose him.
If they ask why I chose one of the four, I'll just tell them that is how life is. 
I'll tell them in life there is no perfect one.
In my case,I choose the lesser evil that I would at least get on with.




An unmarried woman tells her kids about the four choices of men she had and why she chose their daddy. It's not a perfect life after all.

L E T T E R  O F  A N  U N M A R R I E D  W O M A N 

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